
We develop projects of all specialties, where through our projects we offer our customers the evaluation of the best technological and economic alternatives. For our projects, we ally with the BIM methodology (Building Information Modeling).

ENGIPAR with its multidisciplinary team has the ability to draw up engineering projects for housing, commerce, offices, tourism and industry. We prepare all the projects required for licensing and handle all the paperwork with the licensing authorities.


-   Foundations and Structures Projects;
-   Hydraulic Projects (water supply, sanitation and rainwater);
-   Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (AVAC ) Projects;
-   Building Thermal Projects
-   Integrated Fire Safety Projects;
-   Electrical Installations, Telecommunications, and ITED Projects;
-   Acoustic Projects;
-   Health and Safety Plans in the design phase;
-   Construction Waste Management Plans;
-   Project review.


If the client requests, our projects, include all the developmentphases: planning, licensing, execution and monitoring of the works. With efficient coordination between the specialties.

When you contract ENGIPAR for a specialty project, you will have

  1. The Engineer's Statement of Responsibility;
  2. Declaration of the respective Professional Association;
  3. Descriptive and Justificatory Memory;
  4. Calculation sheets;
  5. Drawings.


Generally, the specialties projects have two stages: licensing and execution.

It is important to point out, however, that in some more complex cases there may be more stages for previous analysis of the structure or other aspects determinant to construction works.

Learn how each one of the stages works.

The licensing project is only processed after approval of the architectural project by the City Council.

It is only after this stage that the various specialty projects necessary for the works are prepared.

During this stage all the written and drawn parts are prepared by the professionals for the delivery of the Specialty Base Projects.

It is important to note that some City Councils allow the specialty projects to be submitted together with the architectural project.

The specialty projects go through the City Council's validation process, which once completed allows for the next phase, which is called the Execution Project.

This is optional and is a study based on a set of documents which are used to prepare and consult with the constructors and allow detailed proposals to be obtained.

It is interesting to provide the execution project, because this document guarantees that the works can be executed within the regulations and with the maximum quality.

Besides this, the execution project also facilitates the work of the Director of Construction Supervision.

This project is composed by a measurements table, specifications, details and budget estimate.

The smeasurement table specifically details the quantities for each item. The specifications describe the execution of each of the stages that make up the work.

The details highlight the drawings and all the construction details and, finally, the budget estimate describes the average quotation according to market values, allowing the developer to negotiate with the contractor.

Projects description

After the completion of an architectural project, it is necessary to design the best structural technical solution. This phase requires a thorough technical analysis of the function, materials and codes in force, looking for the best solution in terms of resistance, economy and sustainability always respecting the Architecture.

This project is prepared in accordance with Decree-Law 235/83 of 31 May, Safety Regulation and Actions for Buildings and Bridges Structures (RSAEEP) and Decree- Law 349-C/83 of 30 July, Regulation of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Prestressed (REBAP);

The projects can be developed entirely in BIM ("Building Information Model"), in order to improve the coordination and compatibility of multidisciplinary projects in order to mitigate the occurrences of incompatibilities on site in order to reduce the time and cost of the same.

At ENGIPAR the hydraulic installation project includes all its sub-specialities, namely water supply network, wastewater drainage and rainwater drainage. These are prepared in accordance with Decree Law No. 194/2009 of 20 August and Regulatory Decree No. 23/95 of 23 August.

The projects have as main objective the search for adequate solutions from the point of view of the operation and maintenance of the installations, always aligned with the Architectural project, as well as cooperation with the other engineering specialties.

The gas installation projects are elaborated according to Decree-Law n.º 97/2017, from 10th August and Portaria n.º 361/98, from 26th June, with the changes introduced by Portaria n.º 690/2001, from 10th July, (1 copy, duly endorsed by an inspection entity with competence for that purpose). If there is no natural gas network in the location of the development, the applicant may request exemption from the gas project by filling in a form and delivering it to the respective City Council.

ENGIPAR looks for solutions based on a combination of the client's technical, economic needs and energy requirements imposed by current national and European regulations. Projects are prepared with the support of thermal load calculation software and in compliance with the Energy Performance Regulations for commerce and service buildings (RECS) and also for Housing (REH).

The search for solutions that satisfy the requirements imposed by Architecture is one of the main focus, as they influence the thermal comfort of the residents.

Our team of specialised technicians develops thermal projects and energy certification. The search for solutions in order to improve thermal comfort and energy efficiency, the walls, floors and other elements of a building composition are defined in order to comply with specific legislation and regulations in force. The thermal design is based on Decree-Law 101-D/2020 of 7 December.

ENGIPAR is available to develop a thermal project appropriate to the client needs respecting sustainability, energy efficiency and indoor air quality levels.

The fire safety project preparation plays an important function in the building design, as it is a transversal discipline to all other specialities, both of engineering and Architecture. During the projects conception the most current diplomas will be used:
- Decree-Law n.º 220/2008, of 12 November - Legal Regime of Safety against Fire in Buildings (RJ-SCIE), as amended by Law n.º 123/2019, of 18 October;
- Administrative act n.º 1532/2008, 29th December - Technical Regulation of Security Against Fire in Buildings (RT-SCIE), as amended by Administrative act n.º 135/2020, 02nd June.
- Order No. 2074/2009 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 15th January - Technical Criteria for determining the modified fire load density unit, as amended by Order No. 8954/2020, 18th September.
- Decree-Law No. 95/2019, of 18 July 2009 - Applicable regulation to the rehabilitation of buildings or autonomous fractions;
- Technical Notes of the National Civil Protection Authority.

The electrical installations project is the one that requires the most knowledge of the solutions available on the market, since it is in continuous progress. The telecommunications project is prepared in accordance with the regulations in force, namely, the Technical Rules for Low Voltage Electrical Installations (RTIEBT), regulatory standards of the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) and the distribution network operator (ORD), as well as other legislation in force, namely:
- Decree-Law no. 123/2009, of 21 May;
- Decree-Law no. 258/2009, of 25 September.

ENGIPAR always seeks to deliver to the customer the most technological and innovative solutions on the market, always and with the best cost benefit.

We draw up telecommunication projects ITED (Infrastructures for Telecommunications in Buildings) in accordance with the Manual of Infrastructures for Telecommunications in Buildings, and ITUR (Infrastructures for Telecommunications in Lots, Urbanizations and Condominiums), the latter in accordance with the norms and ANACOM manuals.

ENGIPAR is qualified to develop solutions, studies and Acoustics projects according to the national and European standards in force, namely according to the Decree-Law no. 9/2007, of January 17th and Decree-Law no. 129/2002, of May 11th, as amended by Decree-Law no. 96/2008, of June 9th. Acoustics projects have been gaining influence nowadays due to some interesting challenges facing the complexities of contemporary building architecture.

ENGIPAR advises its clients on the implementation of the Health and Safety Plan during the design phase. We certify compliance with all legislation and standards in force, ensuring that your project runs smoothly.

The Health and Safety plan in the design phase defines aspects related to safety, particularly risk assessment and recommended preventive measures, organisational measures, collective and individual equipment plans.

The diploma that establishes the general rules for planning, organisation and coordination to promote safety, hygiene and health at work on construction sites is Decree-Law no. 273/2003, of 29 October. According to the Decree-Law, the health and safety plan is one of the fundamental instruments for planning and organising safety at work.

ENGIPAR carries out the Construction Waste Management Plan, which complies with and executes all the necessary stages of the plan. ENGIPAR guarantees compliance with the general principles of construction and demolition waste management, in accordance with existing legislation and in such a way that it does not constitute any danger or damage to human health or the environment.

Legal framework:

- Decree-Law No. 102-D/2020, of 10 December, which approves the general regime for waste management;

- Decree-Law 46/2008, 12th March, establishes the specific legal regime to which the management of waste resulting from building works or demolitions or landslides, called construction and demolition waste (CDW) is subject,

- Order 209/2004, of 3rd March, which publishes the European List of Waste (LER), defines the hazardous characteristics attributable to waste,

- Administrative act n.º 335/97, 16th May, establishing the rules for the transportation of waste within the national territory (except n.º 5, n.º 6 and n.º 7);

- Administrative act n.º 417/2008, 11th June, defining the models of transport documents for construction and demolition waste.

At ENGIPAR the design review should be carried out by a multidisciplinary team made up of architects, engineers and technical engineers with qualifications equivalent to those required for the design. The review team shall analyse the designs by assessing the quality and specification of the solutions presented, the dimensioning, quantification and nature of the work to be performed.

The project review aims to provide greater reliability and, consequently, to increase its quality and minimize the risk of accidents, incidents and deviations, both in terms of cost and deadline.